#2848 – Fidelis Capital Website
– Creation of Photoshop site mockup/concept
Concept file – Fidelis Capital Site Concept V4 (est-2848).pdf dated Feb 25/2021
– Setup of domain and installation of WordPress
Includes installation and setup of relevant plugins; Caldera Forms, WP Simple Membership, Advanced Custom Fields
– Site branding and adding contact form
Adding logo, corporate fonts and colours
Thank you; I really appreciate your business.
This estimate is based on the tasks/services (including a concept file if detailed) above.
Any work other than that which is listed above (or included if a concept is provided) requested by the Client (you) after this estimate is approved and development begins will render this estimate void. At that point a new estimate will be provided or an agreement made between the Service Provider (emSpace Creative) and the Client (you) regarding continued development.
Status changed: Draft to Pending.
Estimate viewed by Eliot Matheson (EM_Space_Admin) for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.
Estimate viewed by for the first time.